Swindon Harriers are having an Open Meeting on the 17th March at Swindon the Programme is as detailed below.

I expect the entry fee will be the same as last Year at £10.00 for Adults & £5.00 for u17/u15/u13 for as many events as they wish within the UK Athletics Age Restrictions.

I would appreciate it if you could Display this at your Club , Entry Forms will be available shortly on our Web Site and I will email a copy to all.

Lastly any assistance from Officials with Officiating would be very much appreciated.

Mark Cawte Memorial Open Meeting   Ssturday 17th March 2018
    Provisional Timetable   Permit  
All events are under published UKA Rules.    
Track   Field  
Time Event Age Groups   Time Event Age Group  
10.00 10.00 Hammer All Female Age Groups
    Javelin BU13
10.30 200mH   High Jump GU13/15
    Long Jump LU17/20/SL
    Shot MU17/20/SM
11.00 70mH GU13   11.00 Hammer All Male Age Groups
  75mH BU13     Javelin GU13
  75mH GU15     High Jump Bu13/15
  80mH BU15     Long Jump MU17/20/SM
  80mH LU17     Shot LU17/20/SL
  100mH MU17      
  100mH SL      
  110mH SM    
11.30 600m GU13 12.00 Discus Bu13/15
BU13   Javelin GU15
  GU15 )   Long Jump BU13
  BU15 )   Long Jump GU13
  LU17 ) Graded Races   Shot GU13
  MU17 )    
  SL )    
  SM )    
12.30 2miles All Age Groups      
    13.00 Discus MU17/20/SM
      Javelin BU15
      Pole Vault All Age Groups
13.00 150m GU13     Long Jump GU15
  BU13     Triple Jump All Male Age Groups
  GU15 ) Graded Races      
  BU15 )      
  LU17 )    
  MU17 )    
    SL )    
    SM )    
13.30 3000m Walk All Age Groups      
14.00 1500m Walk All Age Groups   14.00 Discus LU17/20/SL
    Javelin MU17/20/SM
      High Jump LU17/20/SL
      Long Jump BU15
      Shot GU15
14.45 1000m GU13    
  GU15 ) Graded Races    
  BU15 )    
  LU17 ) 15.00 Discus GU13/15
  MU17 )   Javelin LU17/20/SL
  SL )   High Jump MU17/20/SM
  SM )   Shot BU13/15
    Triple Jump All Female Age Groups
15.15 300m GU15 )      
  BU15 )      
  LU17 ) Graded Races      
  MU17 )      
  SL )      
  SM ) Details re Field Events
  Long Jump U13 4 jumps each
    U13/15/17/Snr 3 jumps each,
    best 6 a further 3 jumps
15.45 Relays    
  High Jump Starting Heights
    GU13/BU13 1.05m
    GU15 1.15m
    BU15/LU17 1.25m
    MU17 1.35m
    SL 1.30m
    SM 1.50m
  All age groups height will progress by 5cm until 3 competitors  
  left when there will be progression by a minimum 3cm until
  there is 1 athlete left who can select their own height.
  Competitors can opt to miss heights and start at