Event specific coaching groups
Tuesday & Thursday 6.00 – 8.00pm

Generally around the age of 15 young athletes may have found that they excel and have a particular interest in a specific track or field event. This may be either through attending our 365 Academy or from competing for their school or county. However early specialisation is not advisable for young athletes so we would encourage a multi event approach. It’s not just the 100m runners that need sprint training so do the jumpers, throwers and endurance athletes if they are to progress to the elite level.

Athletes within our event coaching groups typically compete for the club and many at higher levels such as county, national and international. Athletes are expected to compete for the club whenever they are selected and available.

Coaching is available in the following disciplines

Jumps – Long Jump – Triple Jump – High Jump – Pole Vault

Throws – Shot – Discuss – Javelin – Hammer

Middle Distance – 800m – 1500m – 3000m – 5000m – Steeplechase

Sprints – 60m – 75m – 100m – 150m – 200m – 300m – 400m

Hurdles – 70m – 75m – 80m – 100m – 110m – 300m – 400m

Trial Session

We welcome athletes of all levels to enquiry for an induction session. Please complete the contact form below and our coaching coordinator will be in touch.

Please include in your message your age and any times or distances you know events that you are interested in and competitions you have competed in.

NOTE : You must be 14 years of age or over to join an event specific group. If you are under this age then please consider our 365 Academy or use the below enquiry form so that your developmental age can be assessed.

Don’t worry if you have not competed yet just list the events you are interested in and any details about yourself that will help us put you in the right group.

Track & Field Trial Sessions

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