Membership Payments

All payments to TBAC will use the Stripe Payment Gateway.  This allows both credit card and BACS Direct Debit recurring payments, so you will only need to set this up once.  The club pays a small fee to Stripe for each payment, it is less for Direct Debits than Credit Cards, so this is the preferred method. The Membership year runs from the 1st April each year, as does the UKA Registration period.  Full Members have the option to pay monthly, although this incurs a small surcharge, equivalent to £1 per month.

Various discount coupons are available for some items.  If you join mid-year and pay annually, you should use the appropriate couple code to only pay a pro-rata rate of membership for the current year. Family membership is also managed by coupon, please see below for details.

Coupons – Joining mid-year:


e.g. joining in September you would use the coupon code JOINSEP

Family Membership (Full Members Only, you will have included the name of the First Family Member in your annual renewal form):

  • First Member pays full price – no coupon
  • Next Family Member 10% discount – FAMILY1
  • Subsequent Family Members 20% discount – FAMILY2

If you have ‘referred a friend’ (ot two!) for membership then you will have received a coupon code in your renewal email.

Second Claim Membership. This confuses people so please read this carefully
• People can be a paid-up member of more than one Athletic club
• But they need only pay for UK athletic registration once
• The club they do this through is called their first claim club
• Other clubs they belong to are known as their second claim clubs
• If TBAC is your second claim club your membership in whatever category can be £19 cheaper, as your UKA affiliation will be paid by your first claim club

So – if TBAC is your second claim club please adjust the quantity of the UKA Registration Fee to zero as you do not need to pay it twice.

Application for Membership for

This should be the email of the person paying for this membership.
Team Bath Athletic Club will use your e-mail address to send you essential Membership and other Information necessary for the management of your membership of the club.
We may from time to time also send you information on other club related matters.
Select a second email if someone other than the member is paying for this, but you would like non-finiancial information sent directly to the member.
Please double check your Date of Birth as it is very important for UKA Age Group Registration
The Bath Plug is the weekly news letter of Team Bath AC.


Annual Membership fees are due each April, although full members have the option to pay monthly. 365 Memberships are paid on a termly basis

The UK Athletics Affiliation Fee of £19 is paid annually by the Club to UK Athletics on your behalf. You will receive registration details from them together with your UKA number.
If you are a Coach, member of Staff or Trustee, and you train or compete for the club then you should join as a Basic, Full or University member using the categories above.

Special help, Medical and Emergency Information

Please detail above any additional support you may require. If you are disabled, please include any relevant information here.
Please give details of any relevant medical conditions that officials/coaches of the club should be aware of
In case we need to contact someone when you are training with us. Please include at least one name and phone number.

Codes of Conduct

All members need to have read and signed up to codes of conduct for TBAC to meet The England Athletics Standard Please click on the link to read the codes of conduct that apply to you ( there may be more than one) and then tick the appropriate box(es) above to confirm you agree to abide by them.

Codes of Conduct